Poem: Soul Striptease

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Soul Striptease

Sometimes, I’m a stripper.
And that’s one stripper's look.
What my parents said to this?
Oh Girl, that is no good. 

Well they couldn’t believe it:
selling your soul like that?
That’s not worth it.
Why would you do this?
you studied,
but this is a mess.
Everything but this my child,
you drive us out of our mind.

Yes, I also studied theater science.
So it happened that I once was a client
in a stripclub - with pen and notebook.
I wanted to understand:
what is it that men sense?
and do the girls still feel themselves,
when they offer these amusements? 

How much sex can art take
and also I wanted to relate:
Are strippers sex workers or artists?
And why is there people saying:
whoever does this is a fail. 


Never did I think back then
that future-me is waving again…
But this time from the stage.
Her eyes so sharp, it’s a gaze.
On stage she only shines joy.
There’s nothing that seems destroyed.

But a strippers work is not to
perform and recap.
It is about
the costumers lap.

Performing arts happens on the pole,
but it doesn’t take very long,
then it’s about the money.
That sits with the costumer, honey:
the patriarch from world. 

Don’t get me wrong,
I often see women there,
but they don’t spend much money...
That’s not their kind of selfcare. 

Looking for Jung’s Anima.
That’s how a man comes in.
'Cause in his job he applies discipline.
He lacks a lot the feminine.
Neither he finds it in his wife,
cause with her,
he’s living the decent life.

Carl Gustav Jung points out:
commitment vs. passion,
and how we humans create this illusion
of the inner woman as a resolution
in the outer world.
Jung calls her ANIMA.
 Our yin, our soul, our darkness...
We don’t know her anymore. 

So why not checking out a stripclub
to book the prettiest one private, she’s hot.
Here he can finally let go,
relieve some energy
that he doesn’t even know.
Not knowing,
what kind of woman plays within...
he only seeks for freedom
and yes that’s where we’re driven.


Sometimes, I’m a stripper
and I have a mission:
encounter the man,
responding his energy flow to be even,
cause my anima-presence outside
is a gift for his hurt woman inside,
and bringing this into consciousness,
makes the man look into a mirror,
nothing less.

He doesn’t see yet what’s there,
but he feels some female, dark activity
that sits next to his masculinity. 

Anima and Animus.
Yin and Yang.
Soul and Universe.
Darkness and Light.

And imagine these connected,
healed, seen, reflected…
so slowly, the man and his woman inside can feel forgiveness.
But we all deep in our subconsciousness
start seeing...

That no matter how far we follow feminism,
we’ll never be done with anger & criticism,
as long as we keep going strengthening
the feminine only outside and not within. 

So there’s not only the man
caught in his own ban.
Women also feel this,
cause the patriarchy it is,
we build upon our lives
and yes that matters for ALL.

And big shoutout to LGBTQ!
I know it’s not really easy for you,
but you are so far ahead of us,
cause your courage for your truth
liberates your soul like angels dust. 

So what is this actually about?
Well, to become oneself as a whole,
it is the soul that counts.
A man projects this soul
as Anima the divine
in us women in flesh and blood,
cause for him to find her within,
we need bravery, as a collective flood. 

Us women who still follow the men
do a lot to serve this projection.
We have to be pretty, wild and divine
so that the man stays by our side.
We’re still fulfilling this image out of fear.
But how can our soul then be real? 

And why do woman have to go through so much violence
are men who do that nothing but an offense?
No, they also see woman as a mirror of their soul,
but this reflection does not show much love.

We got there as a collective community.
For us what counts is
money, fear and power as immunity.
It’s only valid,
what science, ratio and method can prove,
but we now have to make a move and see…
that our acts are driven by our souls
and if we won’t finally start healing,
we will lose our natural sense of being. 

But no, that’s not how far we got.
we still love, live and feel
and maybe sometimes smoke pot.
I want to honor you, my dear Berlin
you are for the people from world a goal,
cause you’re a magnet for beautiful souls. 


Yes, sometimes I’m a stripper
and this one goes to all those, who think
how could she let her life and chances so shrink?
Well, yes such a life doesn’t fit in your boxes,
built by those who nailed wealth and success
and then sit in the stripclub,
craving for my sexyness. 

Look, where we are
can’t you see?
Our world is again
about to fall apart.

It’s time to really dig deep
and build a world in selflove, let’s breathe…
I’m getting started on the patriarchs lap,
and hopefully you now ask yourself
what can I do to fill this gap? 

Poem written by Anya Ananda